Sometimes AND 10 Things

So Mr. B came up with a few things he is thankful for and the list is as follows: “I am thankful for these things    from Mr. B” 1. The gratest grama & grampa in the world 2. The gratest Mom & Dad in the world 3. school 4. Book’s 5. Frend’s 6. Famille … More Sometimes AND 10 Things

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The Pros and Cons

I’m a list maker, yes I am. I make lists for everything. Grocery shopping, Costco shopping, to do’s, thank you’s to write, projects to get done. I like my lists. I especially like making lists when I am debating about something. Like when I took Mr. B out of school. I didn’t know what else … More The Pros and Cons

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I was going over Mr. B’s school work with him today and we were talking about the freedoms that we have today and how we attained those freedoms (it’s pretty basic at the kinder level). I gave him a few examples of what freedoms we enjoy, like the freedom to give a speech about something … More Freedom

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School is Like…

We had a really late start for school today and Mr. B barely made it out the door to grab the bus. At the end of the day, he came in the house with a huge grin on his face. I asked him how his day was and how he enjoyed eating TWO school meals … More School is Like…

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