Who’s The Lamb Fam?

Family Photo May 2010

Parrot Picture!


Fall 2008

I (SuperSarahAnn) started this blog in part because of all the changes our little family has been experiencing in the past 2 years. I have three little (or NOT so little anymore!) boys; my husband, the tall one, Mr. B, the one with orange hair, brown eyes, and glasses (my little whiz kid), and Ollie the baby, who has blond hair and BLUE eyes. We also have Fritz, our dog, who totally counts as another one of my kiddos.

The Fam May 2009

Gila Man started a new career, went away for training, and then returned. We bought a new home, moved to a new city, are attending a new ward, and trying to settle in out here on the border.


Birthday - The Big 3-0!



We keep busy with church activities; Gila Man is the Elder’s Quorum President, I’m the ward photographer and Valiant 8 teacher in Primary, Mr. B recently graduated to the CTR class and Baby Ollie just hangs out in the nursery and drinks juice for 2 hours.


Silly Sarah



With work, school, home, pets (2 dogs, 2 cats, 6 chickens, and 1 smart aleky bird), and my boys, I tend to stay pretty busy, but I can ALWAYS find a free minute or two to blog.


My Mr. Bentley Boy (6)


Oli (1) in his hat.




We are enjoying living life out here in Arizona and working on our first home together. We just want to share a few things with you and let the rest of The Clan know what’s going on way out here on the border. So stop, visit, stay awhile – let us know what you’re up to as well!


Christmas 2010




Noah Outside!

Mr. Bentley (3) on the deck


Kid friendly AND approved by the ASPCA!!



9 thoughts on “Who’s The Lamb Fam?

  1. You know, Mr. B has a lot of cousins that would love to see pictures of all your birds. We tried to keep a parakeet, but since the mess never seemed to get cleaned up, it is now being “babysat” by a friend.

  2. Hey Aaron, as soon as my “send to editor” button gets to working again, I’ll get some pics of the critters up! All of ’em, including the new “horse”!! Stay tuned….

  3. Hey there! Maybe someday we will get to see you guys again. It has been forever since I have seen you. And Mr. B was just a baby, now he is soo huge. Love ya guys!

  4. I love the pictures and letter that you sent us. I am trying my darndest to maneuver my way around this blog, and I hope that I’m typing this in a logical space and that you will get this. I had forgotten that we gave you that cute clown costume, and I so happy to see Mr. B enjoying it! Contratulations on your pregnancy! Thank you for the update. Keep us posted. Love and kisses, the Bothman Bunch.

  5. Auntie Kathy!!! Sooooo glad that you stopped by and that you got the letters and the pics! Mr. B has enjoyed wearing that costume for MONTHS!! Thanks so much!! We love and miss you and hope you are all doing well!!

  6. Sarah Ann, you are such a GREAT! writer. I love your day to day account of life’s journey. Such feeling, and thoughtfulness has gone into those words printed on you page of life. You are so special to us all, and most special to our Lord.

  7. Sarah- I love what you’ve done with the site! I haven’t been here in a really long time, but this is great! Looking forward to reading your conversion story. 😉


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